Join Misha Pierre-Mike, Sales and Marketing Manager for Quanticâ„¢ Evans, as he discusses the criteria to be considered when specifying a capacitor for space based applications. Quantic Evans is an elite manufacturer of hybrid wet tantalum capacitors, the most power-dense in the industry, and space, weight and power (SWaP) optimized.
Misha Pierre-Mike says:
"... I am a space enthusiast and have been one since I was a child. I have always been fascinated by the amazing advancements in space that have been made and I am thrilled to have the opportunity to play a small part, at least, from the capacitor standpoint. In 1957, we launched our first object into space. Just 12 years later in 1969, we took our first steps on the Moon. In the 70s, satellites for communication and navigation were commonplace, now this list goes on.
Since the early days of the space era our space-based technologies and capabilities have continued to grow exponentially. Today, we talk of setting up a Moon base, sending humans to Mars, and even offering space vacations comparable to the cost of taking your family to the Disney World ..."
The exponential growth of these space-based technologies continue today. We rely heavily on our access to space for National Defense, to keep us connected, and to study our universe and so much more.
"... As the number of space-based applications continue to grow, they also become more complex. Many of the engineering challenges we face today are much different from those faced during our early years in space. In addition, the tools in electronic components we have at our disposal have significantly improved as well ..."
"... Now capacitors play a major role in countless critical space-based systems. These include propulsion power management, communications, radar, lidar, filtering, and so much more ..."
" ... Understanding the best practices for designing capacitors for use in space will provide improved performance and reliability as well as save Space, Weight, and Power ..."