ARP4754A, along with ARP4761, are SAE's standard guidelines nearly mandatory for all aircraft including eVTOL, UAV/UAS, Civil, and Military aircraft. ARP4754A is commonly applied for most projects using DO-178C and DO-254 for avionics software and hardware respectively. ARP4754A is being updated with the new ARP4754B planned for release by SAE in 2022 and AFuzion's ARP4754B templates will be used by thousands of engineers by 2023.
(Contact us to request the AFuzion's ARP4754A PDF Info technical whitepaper.)
AFuzion's ARP4754A Process and Checklist Templates provide the basis for developing and certifying aircraft and systems per the guidance of SAE ARP4754A and ARP47561/A.
ARP4754A requires planning documents and system lifecycle documents for certification, safety, requirements, design, CM, PA, and V&V. Using AFuzion's ARP4754A templates for these documents greatly eases their preparation and approval. For an added fee, AFuzion can even develop draft documents for planning your entire ARP4754A certification effort.
ARP4754A also requires reviews, audits and proof thereof. The best "proof" is detailed and complete checklists covering the primary system lifecycle activities and artifacts. Using AFuzion's ARP4754A provided checklists ensures that you have an appropriate framework for successfully developing and certifying your system.
AFuzion, the world leader in aviation/systems certification, achieved usage of its ARP4754A Aircraft/Systems Certification Templates by its 100th customer in August 2021. Now, anyone may select a free sample from the list herein.
Once acquired from AFuzion and customized on the first project, your ARP4754A team will retain the expertise to create, customize and re-use as appropriate on future ARP4754A projects. Note that the ARP4754A Planning documents can be purchased in either Template form or "Initial Draft" form. The Template form option provides the basic templates which you then modify to create an initial draft. The Initial Draft option provides for AFuzion to first create initial drafts of all planning documents using the same template, but adding the customer's basic product information to create an initial draft; the customer then must finalize this initial draft to create the first versions of these five planning documents.
AFuzion's ARP4754A Plans and Checklist Templates cover all phases of the aircraft/system project lifecycle, and are developed with ARP4754A in mind. The users of these templates would need to have some basic understanding of ARP4754A, such as attendance at AFuzion ARP4754A training or reading the Avionics Certification book principally written by AFuzion's founder, Vance Hilderman and related technical whitepapers from AFuzion.
These templates and checklists also help in getting organizations to the goal of higher SEI CMM/CMMI ratings (preferably Level 3 – 4+). Usage of AFuzion process templates and checklists are intended to maximize the probability of project success and quality.
The regulatory agencies require that most airborne commercial systems operating within commercial airspace to comply with ARP4754A (details can be found on the regulatory website). The planning and processes for the systems lifecycle are required for any ARP4754A project and those processes must be defined before initiating that phase and followed during that phase. Although Checklists are not formally mandated by ARP4754A, your regulatory agencies will require that you prove conformance to ARP4754A according to your approved processes; this conformance is very difficult to achieve and prove without checklists. In fact, nearly all ARP4754A projects use checklists for reviews and proof of such.
AFuzion Planning Templates are meant to provide the proper framework for customization to meet the system planning requirements of ARP4754A. Although there is no perfect process for all programs, there are unique areas of each individual project. Each project will vary somewhat in how it chooses to define, implement, or augment the AFuzion Planning Templates. Factors to consider include project Design Assurance Levels, complexity, and expertise of staff, development methodology, tools/environment, and technology. The AFuzion Planning Templates provide the basic elements of an aircraft or avionics project compliant with ARP4754A. Further, AFuzion can customize and tailor these processes by the appropriate amount as an outflow of an AFuzion gap analysis process, upon request as part of the optional first draft delivery.
ARP4754A Plan/Standard Templates:
System Functional Hazard Assessment Template
PASA Preliminary Aircraft Safety Assessment Template
PSSA Preliminary System Safety Assessment Template
Project Specific Certification Plan Template
Safety Program Plan Template
System Process Assurance Plan Template
System Development Plan Template
System Requirements Management Plan Template
System Configuration Management Plan Template
System Validation & Verification Plan Template
System Requirements Standard Template
System Design Standards Template
System Validation & Verification Standards Template
Failure Modes & Effects Analysis Template
ARP4754A Checklist Templates:
Project Specific Certification Plan Checklist
Safety Program Plan Checklist
System Process Assurance Plan Checklist
System Development Plan Checklist
Requirements Management Plan Checklist
System Configuration Management Plan Checklist
Validation & Verification Plan Checklist
System Requirements Standards Checklist
System Design Standards Checklist
FMEA/FMES Review Checklist
System Requirements Data Review Checklist
System Design Review Checklist
System Validation Results Checklist
System Validation & Verification Standards Checklist
System Configuration Index Checklist
ARP4754A Objectives Checklist
For pricing information on AFuzion's ARP4754A templates and details on ARP4754A Plans, Standards, and Checklists, CONTACT US.